Wireless radiation exposure code 'fails to protect Canadians'
CTV News, July 9th, 2014
Électrosensibilité : Santé Canada doit-il revoir les normes?
TVA Nouvelles, July 9th, 2014
Declaration: Doctors Call for Protection from Radiofrequency Radiation Exposure
July 9th, 2014
Canadian Doctors Urge Health Canada to Toughen Guidelines on Microwave Radiation from Cell Phones, Cell Towers and WiFi
Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST), July 9th, 2014
Medical and Scientific Experts Call for Safe Technologies in Schools
Safe Schools, 2012
Electromagnetic fields from mobile phones and the health effects on children and teenagers
Moscow Russian National Committee, June 2011
IARC classifies radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans
International Agency for Research on Cancer, May 2011